Friday, November 12, 2010


"Do I wear the mask, or does it wear me?"
Do I control the mask, or does it controls me.
Mask help me not be afraid,
and let me take off my shade.
Show my face,
Show my identity, 
And my humility.
Mask I  trust you,
Please, don't let me down,
And represent were I came from.
But, don't lie like a fox,
Don't let me die like a possum.
Show my real face,
And let my soul embrace.
Mask I trust you.
Please, don't let me down.

Friday, October 29, 2010


Hey, Abuela
I just want to tell you that I have not forgive you and that you are still in my heart.
I remember your tortillas and soup of chicken?
Do you remember when I stayed at your house because I was mad at my dad, and I ate your soup of chicken with a lot of chile that made me cry?
I remember when I used to sleep at your house because it was close to the school and I was lazy ride my bike all the way from my house to the school.
Do you remember when we played with my tools.
You always get mad because I didn't follow your roles.
Mama Mina, abuelita please came back.
I miss you so much.
I  am going to make a sopa de pollo like the ones you used to give me.
I will buy you same breads and make you coffee so you feel welcome.
please come.
Abuelita, I miss your kisses that left your lips stick on my cheek.
 I miss you.